Watercrown Productions

Watercrown Productions

Second Verse, Same As The First?

by on Oct.09, 2009, under Breath of Fire 2, Watercrown Productions

The BoF2 Retranslation is now version 1.2b, fixing a few more typos as well as one obscure bug with the Shaman interface (more info in the readme).

Get it here.

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Get Your Game On!

by on Jun.19, 2009, under Gallery, Watercrown Productions

Introducing the Watercrown Productions Arcade!

That’s right…I’m not only an artist, a programmer and a translator, I’m now officially a game designer. These past few weeks toying with Flash (with the help of some experts in the field) have taught me two important things:

1. Object-oriented programming is pure awesomeness.

2. Getting little targeting cursors to materialize between asteroids precisely where you want them is a lot harder than it sounds.

At any rate, my first project, a little arcade game called Hyper Collider, is now (hopefully) ready for prime time. It’s probably not everyone’s cup of tea: the finished product is a little on the easy side, even after the difficulty ramps up, but hopefully the retro visuals will make up for it.

Enjoy, one and all.

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Three Trophies for TheCheat!

by on Jun.16, 2009, under Tools, Watercrown Productions

Okay, no trophies. And I’m still not quite ready to release TheCheat 2.0 to the public. But in the meantime, I’ve updated TheCheat’s page to reflect my current browsing habits (PMing me on RHDN is your best bet, as I rarely visit Acmlm and my old DevBlog – remember that? – is pretty much dead), and provide a valuable usage hint for people using TheCheat to format scripts that use characters outside the usual ASCII set (save as UTF-8, people! You can do it in Notepad; check the page for more info!).

Thanks to kogami for pointing out this issue!

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The Big Move!

by on Jun.15, 2009, under Watercrown Productions

You’re probably noticing something odd about your address bar right now.

Google Pages is getting replaced by Google Sites in the coming weeks and I’ve taken this opportunity to get out while the getting’s good. I’ve had a wonderful experience with Google Pages up until now and I’m sad to see it go, but everything I’ve heard about Google Sites tells me it’s going to be a downgrade. Thankfully, they’ve made the transition either way as painless as possible: those who choose to stay can have their site automatically migrated to Google Sites, and those that choose to move can download their entire site’s content and set up a redirect to their new URL.

It’s taken just over an hour to finish reuploading all my content to my new 110mb page: it took a bit of clever file renaming and manual HTML editing, but right now the site should be 100% identical in function to the old one. This might change once Google Pages is finally phased out completely, as 110mb doesn’t let free accounts upload certain file types (the Repercussions of Evil MP3 and Murakumo music video are still hosted on Google Pages), but the really awesome thing about 110mb is there are no subscriptions: all upgrades are a one-time purchase. So once I’ve bought a few extra features, I should be able to host my media here. (And the nice thing is, I’ll be able to embed them in my pages. Google Pages didn’t let me do that.)

The only problem right now is that without Google Pages, I don’t have a proper web page editor anymore (I’m currently writing this news entry manually in HTML!), but I’ll have that problem fixed soon.

Let us have a brief moment of silence for Google Pages. And then, let us celebrate, for Watercrown Productions is reborn. REJOICE!

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Because Updating The Same News Entry Was Getting Obnoxious!

by on May.27, 2009, under Breath of Fire 2, Watercrown Productions

The Breath of Fire 2 Retranslation Patch has officially hit v1.2.

Get it here.

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Through the Fire and the Flames, We Carry On!

by on Apr.29, 2009, under Breath of Fire 2, Watercrown Productions

At long last, the Breath of Fire 2 Retranslation Patch (v1.0) is done.

Enjoy, one and all. Enjoy.

UPDATED 05/07/2009 – The Breath of Fire 2 Retranslation Patch has been upgraded to v1.1! The new patch fixes a handful of minor but pesky bugs present in the initial release.

UPDATED 05/14/2009 – The Breath of Fire 2 Retranslation Patch v1.1b is out now! This one fixes several further text errors.

Get it here!

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10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4…

by on Feb.15, 2009, under Breath of Fire 2, Watercrown Productions

And now, almost a year later, I have both an update and a confession to make.

The project has been in beta for the past few weeks. For most intents and purposes, it is done. I could release a perfectly playable patch right now…if I were absolutely insane, that is. The beta testers (thank you all; you’ll all get special mention in the readme file) have ferreted out bugs and typos my initial alpha missed, and their suggestions have proved invaluable in resolving some long-standing issues. The German version’s disappearing cursor issue has been resolved: the cursor would vanish in empty inventory slots due to there being nothing to highlight, but now empty slots in all menus display a string of hyphens (like “—–”) so that the cursor no longer vanishes. I’ve also taken the liberty of rearranging the name entry screen to solve this issue there as well, and the cooking interface has been rearranged to take advantage of the longer item names (read: things have been moved around so they actually fit). Speaking of the cooking interface, an issue where the quantity of items produced wouldn’t display properly has also been fixed, as has the mysterious missing gradient in Wyndia’s textboxes.

And all that’s on top of the other bugfixes and improvements I made before the beta started. The English version of the patch will overall be much more polished than the original German version, fixing numerous issues both minor and major and restoring features missing from the German patch.

Breath of Fire 2: The Fated Child is coming, bigger, badder and better than ever. Be ready for it.

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Move aside, Axel Steel…here comes Willow Cottontail!

by on Apr.04, 2008, under Sylvanian Families, Watercrown Productions

I know, I know, I announced this back in December 2006, I should be working on Breath of Fire 2/Death Note: The Kira Game/Sylvanian Families 4, radda radda radda…but yes, it’s finally done.

Get it here (or from the link on the left) and enjoy. You’ll also probably need to download the UPS patch program from here in order to apply the patch.

EDIT: Get the patcher here.

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Downloads are back up.

by on Mar.27, 2008, under Watercrown Productions

Any more shenanigans from you, Peter Peter Bandwidth Eater, and you better start running.

Everybody else…please download responsibly. No direct linking to files if you can help it; pages are fine, though.

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Downloads will be down for a little while.

by on Mar.25, 2008, under Watercrown Productions

For those of you who have been paying attention, this is likely old news.

I don’t know why, I don’t know who, but something is eating my site’s bandwidth. Maybe Googlepages is just sucking as usual, or some prankster thinks it’s funny to download the same file over and over, or maybe some innocent newbie found something they liked and showed it to 200-or-so different friends…

In any case, nobody (including myself) can access the content on my site, so for the time being I’ve deleted everything – everything – excluding, obviously, the actual web pages themselves. Because I can track the hits those get, unlike the files, and I’m not receiving nearly enough traffic to warrant the Orange Screen of Death coming up every time I try to access one of my files. Hopefully this (drastic) measure will dissuade any pranksters from DDoS’ing me, or persuade the Series of Tubers to actually check my webpage and find out just how they’re clogging the pipes.

In brief: yes, I know you all love my reading of Repercussions of Evil, but please, if you want to keep hearing it, download it to your hard drive instead of adding to the server load. The Internet thanks you.

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