Liar Game Chapter #102: Closure
by Ryusui on Feb.20, 2010, under Scanlations
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Nao and Akiyama have beaten Yokoya and ensured that all 12 players made it to the fourth round. But what’s been happening to the other group of 12 players in the meantime?
February 21st, 2010 on 4:45 am
Omg. Unbelievable……..
February 21st, 2010 on 10:15 am
I didn’t believe it too..
Thanks so much Watercrown. 🙂
February 21st, 2010 on 12:16 pm
Cityshrimp had better quality and faster scans T_T
Even now he’s doing like a chapter a week T_T
February 21st, 2010 on 2:28 pm
Better quality how? Cityshrimp got his raws from Finestela, same as me.
As for speed, well, this one took a bit longer than usual – but if you consider that I released two chapters at once, my schedule averages out to only slightly worse than one per week.
February 21st, 2010 on 11:51 pm
Umm… This was only a single release. Last one was a double. However, I don’t really mind the speed, as long as it’s reasonable. Slightly worse than once a week is fine. I’m more interested in things like “Can I read it without my eyes bleeding?” (so, a giant no to Frugs&Friends and ShunshengFTW).
February 22nd, 2010 on 10:35 am
that was not a single release.
chapter 103 is out on
February 22nd, 2010 on 11:37 am
As if one yokoya wasn’t enough…
February 22nd, 2010 on 11:40 am
Thank you for your great job and I’m glad that you keep doing scans 🙂 so people stop complainig 😛 we can have about 2 chap per two weeks so it is ok – that is 100 better than nothing. Thank you thank you – you make my day ^^
February 22nd, 2010 on 1:09 pm
thanks for new chapters . (not complaining) but if possible i wolud prefer 1 chapter but more often if not i’m still thankful for keeping project alive
February 26th, 2010 on 6:15 am
Cleaning raws is the key 🙂